Contact me
Contact details
For appointment request for psychotherapy/assessment/social skills training group, please go to my DocOrga page.
- For psychotherapy patient, if you can not find appointment type "Première consultation" (first consultation), you can request to be put on the waiting list by answering "Non" to the question "Avez vous déjà vu ce praticien ?" (Have you ever seen this practicionner").
- For assessment and social skills training appointment/query, please use the waiting list. I will assess your request and get back to you.
Should you need any other information, please feel free to contact me through the contact form or directly:
- By phone : +33 7 56 84 44 84,
- By e-mail :
Contact form
Croissy-sur-Seine, 17 Avenue de Wailly
- By Bus:
- D (Chatou - Le Chesnay) : Patte d'Oie stop is the closest (else Verdun or Roseraie)
- E (Chatou-Le Vésinet) : Patte d'Oie stop is the closest (else Verdun or Roseraie)
- M (Chatou-Le Vésinet) : Verdun or La Roseraie stop
- By RER A:
- Gare de Chatou-Croissy, 15 min by foot
- By Car:
- Nearby street parking (2 hr free - with disk) : rue de Wailly - 2 min by foot
Consultation hours
Payment by Credit Card, Check, Cash or wire transfer for videoconsultation.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel 48 H in advance.
Reimbursement by private insurance
Psychology consultations are normally not reimbursed by the National French Health Insurance, called CPAM. However, some private insurance may partially support the costs of consultations ( (eg. psychology - osteopathy - acupuncture package).
As part of the COVID health crises, a new measure was put in place
with the CPAM
- for students - 3 sessions renewable once ( struggling-students)
- for 3-17 y.o. - 10 sessions for mild to moderate psychiatric disorders, with a medical prescription ( press / press-releases / article / an-emergency-psychological-package-for-children-and-adolescents)
- MonPsy - 8 sessions prescribed by your attending physician. Only available for mild to moderate disorders, not intending for people with suicidal thoughts or under medication.
I do not have any agreement with the CPAM for this type of care.
with private French insurance who agreed in 2021 to cover:
- a minimum of 4 psychology sessions up to € 60 without medical prescription from the first Euro (renewed in 2022 by some private insurance).
I do have an agreement with the Mignot Hospital in Versailles-Le Chesnay for the diagnostic assessment of autism spectrum disorders in 0-7 year olds. This must be coordinated by your attending physician with the Hospital "Plateforme de Coordination et d'Orientation".
Last updated on 24 August 2022.